"I was never a girl with a plan"
I’ve mostly floated through life, reacting as opportunities presented themselves. In school I found a passion for helping others by giving advice, encouragement, or time. After college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I worked in various supporting and leadership roles in the corporate world until I realized I was miserable—although I didn’t know why.
I needed a change, so I decided to become a real estate agent. I got to work with people on a more personal level, educating and guiding them through an important process. Working in real estate exposed me to the world of personal growth, self-help books, and business coaching. Before I knew it, I had my own business coach and was leading a small group of real estate agents and home loan officers. I loved it…

The turning point in realizing what I was missing came when…
I read Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck. My heart nearly exploded with excitement when I realized that I could have a career that actually fed my heart and soul. I could work in a way that allowed me to do the thing I love.
I became a certified life coach and certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator practitioner (a level of geekiness that I never expected to reach). I initially used this training (and many other tools) on anyone I could get my hands on.
It wasn’t until I worked with my coach to uncover my purpose that I realized that more than anything, I am passionate about helping people find and create places where people can do their best work by being themselves AND be appreciated for it.
Now, I primarily work with leaders in Real Estate, Lending and Insurance to build teams that are aligned with their purpose and values so that they can all do work that is fulfilling and experience success that is sustainable.
What I’ve Done and Learned So Far:
- Owner and Operator of a Lemonade Stand at a farmers market (Summer 1980-something)
- Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Washington
- 7 years leading and following in corporate America
- Residential Real Estate agent for three years
- Buffini and Company Coaching Small Group Leader
- Certified Martha Beck Life Coach
- Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator practitioner
- Trained in Fierce Conversations
- Trained my dogs to sit, down and wait
- Ask if you want to hear more!
My Core Beliefs:
- We are all connected.
- We all have an impact on this world, its a matter of whether or not we are purposeful about that.
- We’ll do better when we understand and accept ourselves for who we truly are.
- The same goes for understanding and accepting others.
- We don’t have to do this alone.
- Uncovering the truth is better than being right.
- The quality of our relationships is the direct result of the quality of our conversations.