EP 098: The biggest lie we tell ourselves

Season #3

**Episode 98: The biggest lie we tell ourselves**


If this episode inspires you to Get Your Shit Together, feel free to schedule a chat with me here:





"Time passes, whether I stand still or move."

Poet Anne Barngrover's words hold a truth we often overlook. Today, let's debunk the "I don't have time" myth and explore three empowering perspectives.




October always feels like the beginning of the end of the year for me. I become more aware of how time has passed and how I want to use my time in the coming year.

This becomes the ideal for a sneaky lie to start invading your brain: "I don't have time"


This refrain often masks deeper truths.


Whenever you find yourself saying or thinking "I don't have time" double check yourself using these prompts:


  • "It doesn't matter if I..." <<insert the thing you "don't have time" for here and see how you feel>>
  • "I Don't Want To..." <<insert the thing you "don't have time" for here and see if it rings true>>
  • "It's not a priority for me to <<insert the thing you "don't have time" for here>> right now and I want to reconsider this at a later time"


Trying out these prompts give you more clarity about what's really going on with your time. It's not really about time. It's really about clarity. Clarity begets effective communication and consistent action. Share your decisions with those impacted and update your systems to reflect your chosen path.




How did these prompts reshape your perception of time and priorities?

Tell me all about it. You can DM me at Instagram.
