081: Productivity Does Not Have to be Rigid

Season #3

I’ve got a question for you…What comes to mind when you hear the word "productivity"?

I always ask this question at the kick-off of every GYST Productivity training program. (If you are new to the podcast, let me quickly say that GYST stands for Get Your Shit Together.) The most common responses I get are things like results, efficiency, checking things off my list, getting shit done, being efficient, being organized, managing time well, etc.

All fairly positive to most people. However, sometimes people say words like elusive, unattainable, or impossible.

A few weeks ago, as I was kicking off GYST for my Spring cohort, one of my GYSTers surprised me. Her response to that question was:

  • Rigidity
  • Boring
  • Predictable

I was so glad to hear her honest answer, because I often wonder how many people think this about productivity but are maybe just worried about offending me if they say it out loud to a productivity coach like me. This is exactly why I wanted to share my response with you in this episode.

Our unconscious views of productivity will determine whether or not we stick to the systems we put in place.
“If you see productivity as rigidity, boring and predictable, you could end up creating a lot of excitement in your life through the habit of procrastination, a lack of planning and a lack of systems.” ~ Elise

So what would you do differently this week if you believed that getting some productivity systems and habits in place would support you, not limit you?

If you are someone who feels like productivity is elusive, rigid, and boring AND at the same time you are ready to get off the rollercoaster of demands that everyone else is putting on you and get your shit together, then I encourage you to attend my first ever Ask Me Anything event. This is a live Q&A session on Zoom where you can share your issues around productivity with me and get some solutions you can use right away.
Our next event will be on June 14th. To register for the event go to: eliseenriquez.com/askelise   

**This podcast is lovingly created by yours truly, Elise Enriquez, and produced by Rachael Sanya.