The Productivity Shift Trailer

Season #3

Have you ever noticed how most productivity advice doesn’t work for women? That’s because you’re not a man who has a spouse at home who takes care of all the things. You’re juggling your business, your career, and your family. It’s a lot, and no wonder why things slip through the cracks despite your best intentions to get it all done. When you treat everything as an urgent priority, you lose all sense of what truly matters. This podcast is here to help you change all of that. One week at a time. Choose how to spend your time, so you make progress on what matters most to your life & business. Each week, Elise Enriquez, a productivity dork and certified life coach, guides you to redefine what productivity is to you. You’ll get strategies and insights you can implement right away. Lighten your load and focus on what’s most important so you can create a life and business that is meaningful to you.