065 Priorities: You Get to Decide

Season #3

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…getting things known, getting things prioritized and illuminating the next steps so you can achieve the goals that matter most to you…

That’s what moves us forward in life and business, and it’s also what I’m all about.

In this episode, I'm digging into the “getting things prioritized” piece, and what it means for your productivity.

People often come to me when they are feeling overwhelmed by all the little things in life that pile up, or when they feel like they're busy all day but aren't really getting anything done, and when they're losing sleep over things they are worried about that aren't getting done.

Or worse, they're not sure if stuff is or isn't getting done because there might be things that are slipping through the cracks. They also tend to come to me when they are so good at coordinating and organizing everyone else's shit but don't have their own shit together.

They aren't sure what to do, but they just know, "Not this. Something has to change."

So when people come to me feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and/or resentful, the first thing we do is get everything out in the open. We step back, take a breath and talk about it. This is important because if you want to be more productive, you need to be able to prioritize — and you cannot prioritize what is not known.

What is your top priority for this week?

Go on over to @productivitybreakthrough on Instagram and respond to the “Question of the Week” post with your answer.