043: How to Delegate Successfully. An Interview with Valerie Trapunsky

Season #2

Hey there! If you are listening to this episode the week that it's released, I want you to know that this is your last chance to join my productivity masterclass, Stop Wasting Your Time, where I'll be sharing with you the three ways that you can stop wasting time and make more out of this precious life of yours.

Head on over to eliseenriquez.com/masterclass to sign up

If you’ve been following this podcast for a while, you may already know that it’s all about serving women on a mission. My mission to make the world a better place involves owning a business, and business ownership has been very lonely for me.

While I can tell myself, "nobody does it on their own”, our American culture is very much about the individual - pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and making things happen. What I've taken a LONG time to learn is making things happen is waaay better when you have a team.

This doesn't necessarily mean hiring employees. Sometimes it's having someone to bounce ideas off of. Sometimes it's having a friend to talk to or getting a hug.

Sometimes, though, you reach a point in your business where you are ready to bring on some professional help. That is where today's guest comes in.

Valerie Trapunsky founded ChatterBoss company in 2017 after a decade spent working as a top-level assistant for A-list celebrities and as the Chief of Staff for high-net-worth individuals and CEOs. During that time, Valerie developed a passion for effective problem-solving, and became committed to bringing the same level of excellent service to solo entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

Valerie’s exceptional problem-solving skills and genuine love of people are the foundation of everything they do at ChatterBoss. They strive to solve customer needs through a combination of intelligent technology, intelligent systems, and most importantly, intelligent people. Together, the whole team has built a product that clients can trust to deliver personalized, reliable, and thoughtful service.

My biggest takeaways from our conversation were:

  • Set up your delegation based on your personality approach...I love that Valerie and her team take personality type into play in how they match up people with a VA
  • Start delegation with your easiest tasks where you can explain it and you know exactly what the outcome should be
  • It's the administrative unknown that keeps you from the freedom that your business could create for you

Are you ready to build out your team? Check out ChatterBoss.com or download the app via iOS App Store or Google Play. Friends of the Productivity Breakthrough get a $50 discount on the onboarding if they use the code BREAKTHROUGH when signing up!

Question of the Week: Who do you need to add to your team this week?