041: Stand Up to Those Tech Bullies! An Interview with Nicole Lux-Ritchie

Season #2

Are you ready to alter your values and beliefs around productivity SO THAT you can make every day your best day? I hope you'll join me for the FREE masterclass I'm teaching next week. 

Head on over to eliseenriquez.com/masterclass to register.

“Technology bullies are pervasive and everywhere, and you come across them in these four systems. Like if you're using a web browser to check your email and all of a sudden you're stuck on one page and no matter what you click, nothing happens.

Well, that's a technology bully and there's a couple of strategies you could use to get out of that particular situation. Whether it is clear your cookies and cache in that browser, or turn the damn thing off and turn the damn thing back on.” ~ Nicole Lux-Ritchie

You know that we are all about moving forward what matters most here and you can do the work to get clear about what matters most for you AND sometimes you encounter roadblocks.

And one of the biggest roadblocks can be TECHNOLOGY.

If technology is bullying you in any way right now, then you are in the right place because my guest in this episode is Nicole Lux-Ritchie, a technology guide, and fellow productivity & systems dork.

And by the way, even if you aren't struggling with tech, Nicole and I talk about a LOT of other things having to do with moving forward what matters most, so go on and tune in.

Nicole and I covered A LOT of ground, but my big takeaways from this episode are:

:: Technology is here to help you...if it isn't helping you, reach out to Nicole!

:: You don't have to be naturally organized to actually be organized. Being organized is an experience you create. It's really about giving yourself the time to decide what matters most and set up simple systems to SUPPORT you.

:: There are simple tweaks you can make to your digital office to make life and work easier, and you can have fun with that. So go to luxcentric.com/game to play Nicole's Rescue Your Digital Office game.

Sooo...I have a question for you…

Question of the week: How is technology getting in your way?

Head on over to Instagram and tell me all about it on the Question of the Week post or DM me directly.

And remember to sign up for your spot in next week's productivity revolution masterclass by going to eliseenriquez.com/masterclass