040: Get in the Driver’s Seat

Season #2

There's still time to join my DARE TO PRIORITIZE challenge. Head on over to the eliseenriquez.com/challenge to join us.

— Suddenly everything I had been feeling was being uttered by this supporting character in a movie that I randomly picked on a flight home. I pushed pause on the movie, I opened my journal, and I wrote the words, "I think my marriage is over".

That was September, 2015. It would take me until mid-November 2015 to finally tell my then-husband.—

Does your life feel like you’ve completely given it over to something or someone else to control and direct? Does it feel like you’re always waiting around, hoping for the chance to finally be yourself or live for the things that fill you with joy?

In this episode, I give you a glimpse into how I got out from behind the shadows and into the driver’s seat of my own life.

It seems really weird that it took a heartbreaking moment in a movie, when this supporting character —faced with the shattering news of a terminal cancer diagnosis— suddenly realized that she’d never really given herself a chance to be and live, for me to face the reality and take the first utterly terrifying steps to reclaim my life.

I don't want you to be that character in the movie. Needing the bad news to wake you up only to find that it's too late.

“Be me on that plane. Listen to someone else's story. Get inspired. Remember that YOU are in charge of your life and get back behind the wheel.~ Elise

And even if you fee like you are already in the driver's seat of your life, remember that you gotta pause every now and again to check in with yourself.

Check your direction.

Check the health of your vehicle.

Check your passengers.

Check your fuel.

I've actually created a FUN way to do that. There's still time to join my DARE TO PRIORITZE challenge. It's a free, LIVE challenge I'm running this week to help you take stock and chart your course every day so that you can keep heading where you want to go and have the kind of impact you want to have in your life.

Head on over to the eliseenriquez.com/challenge to join us.