033: Are You Willing to Do What it Takes? An Interview with Mark Drager

Season #2

Check out Mark and his work at https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkDragerYT
And if you want to reach him directly, DM him at https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager/

I have the pleasure of talking to Mark Drager in this episode.

Mark Drager is a pro-conversationalist and host of the YouTube show, We Do Hard Things. Mark believes that happiness only comes from pursuing our passion at all costs.

We know growth takes risk, sacrifice, hard work. Too often we don't want to risk the "okay" to get the extraordinary.

Looking back, life makes sense... the dots connect... we can see how we faced and survived everything that was thrown at us. Looking forward, life is uncertain and scary...we can't see or imagine things magically working out.

And yet if we applied the same thinking to the future as we can to the past, we'd see that life will give us all these amazing twists and turns but it will all work out for the best.

BUT, if we want to live a big, bold, extraordinary life we can't live in fear and doubt. We can't play it safe. We must face the scary and difficult, do the hard things, and pursue your passions at all costs (because no one else is going to do it for you).

With enough time, you can achieve ANY GOAL you have for yourself, Mark says.

Just question everything and answer these questions:
1) What do you want?
2) Why do you want it?
3) Who has it/has done it?
4) How did they do it/get it?
5) Are you willing to do what they did?
6) What's the first, smallest step?

Mark also had another really great question for you...that’s right, it’s the question of the week:

What was the last completely terrifying, scary, hard thing you did and now that you're looking back, what magical thing did it lead to?

Head on over to @productivitybreakthrough on IG and let me now your answer under the Question of the Week post.

Don't forget to check out Mark and his work at https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkDragerYT
And if you want to reach him directly, DM him at https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager/