027: You're not a flake! An interview with Sandy Stamato

Season #2

Are you a Limb Dweller or a Trunk Dweller? 

Take the quiz at: https://www.fyrebox.com/play/are-you-a-limb-dweller-fi_E2mQqPwER




I'm so happy to share a conversation I recently had with Sandy Stamato,

Sandy is the Founder of Limb Dweller Transitional Coaching for women 50 and beyond.


Sandy says, “At a certain point, there are no do-overs. This is precious time, so why waste it?”

Sandy Stamato, an accomplished public speaker, trainer, frequent podcast guest, and founder of Limb Dwelling Transitional coaching. Her 30 years of experience in marketing, media sales and business consulting gives her a textured perspective when she works with solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, and reluctantly employed.

In this episode we talk about embracing your true nature and how that can change your life.

Sandy tells her painful and liberating story of discovering that she is a "limb dweller" and what that has meant to her and so many others to embrace that instead of feeling ashamed and isolated.

If you've ever felt like an outsider in this world, this is the episode for you.

Even if you haven't felt that way, take a listen and gain a new perspective so you can support someone you care about who might be feeling like Sandy used to.


 Want to get in touch with Sandy and learn more about 


[email protected]