026: It's time to break all the rules

Season #2

Head on over to https://eliseenriquez.com/freestuff to get access to the productivity tools I use to create an everyday life I love living.

Hey there!


Are you up for a little heart-to-heart talk this week?

I'm working on some cool stuff in my business right now that I can't wait to share with you. And for as excited and certain as I am about what I'm doing, I definitely didn't feel that way at first. I was really hung up on everyone else's definitions of what a coach is supposed to be and what success looks like.

So this week I'm sharing a bit of my personal and professional journey with you in hopes of inspiring you to challenge the definitions you are working from and to think about what truly matters most to YOU.


Tune in to get inspiration and tools to support you in:

  • Shedding the unhelpful expectations of others
  • Living with more intention (including a model for doing that)

And of course, all of this brings me to...*ding*...the Question of the Week….What is the ONE thing you could do this week to bring more of YOU to the most important role you play in your life?

Be sure to answer the question of the week over on Intsagram:  


Could you do me a favor? Could you take a moment to think of another woman on a mission who is looking to do great things while enjoying the journey? Once you have that person in mind, please send along this episode to them. I'd really appreciate it.