024: Tech & Tools Are Not Enough

Season #2

If you are interested in one of the simplest, most affordable apps that helps me run my life and business, head on over to https://eliseenriquez.com/freestuff to get your hands on this sanity-saving app. 


Tech, tools and apps...Wanna know how they are getting in your way?

Anyone who's ever worked with me will be surprised to hear this. Just the other day, one of my one-on-one clients said, "Elise, you have an app for everything." ‘Cause I sorta do, you know.

So, why the heck would I think that technology can get in your way?!

Well, here’s the thing. I've worked with a lot of small business owners over the years and there are a lot of shiny tools, tech and apps targeted at them, with a healthy dose of FOMO-inducing marketing tactics thrown in there. They’re marketed in a way as if to make you think that if you just invest in their technology (and we're not always talking small investments here) that everything will be better in your life and in your business.


I cannot tell you how many people I’ve worked with who, when they started working with me, could point to this really complex, all-encompassing technology that they pay for monthly or annually...that was gonna 10x their business...that they were not using.

Do you know why?...The technology is not enough! These tools and apps are not going to save you.

They CAN absolutely make your life and work easier, WHEN you use them to support and/or make existing business processes more efficient.

They CANNOT make up for lack of process.

In this episode, I talked about 3 things you need to be clear about before you decide what tools you need in your business (and life):

  • What client and business experience you want to create
  • What actions it takes to create that experience
  • Who is responsible for each of those actions

When you’re clear on that, you can then set up SIMPLE SYSTEMS to support you in making those actions happen more reliably, consistently, and efficiently. Systems like checklists, regular meetings, spreadsheets, etc.

So, here’s my question for you this week… What is ONE simple system you can put in place THIS week to support the results you are trying to create?

Tell me all about it over on Instagram @productivitybreakthrough.

AND if you are interested in one of my simplest, most-affordable apps that helps me run my life and business, head on over to https://eliseenriquez.com/freestuff to get your hands on this sanity saving app.