058: Top 25 of 2022

Season #2

If you want a handy dandy worksheet to fill out, just ask and I'll send you one. Either DM me on Instagram or Facebook or send me an Email: [email protected]

For those of you that are new to The Productivity Breakthrough, this podcast is all about moving forward what matters most without focusing on perfection…What matters most to you, not to the rest of the world, not to your parents, society, your judgy neighbor, or whoever. YOU.

From time to time, it's important to zoom out and look at the big picture of things to make sure that whatever it is you're working on really is what matters most to you. Sometimes that means lifting our heads up and looking out ahead of us, or even looking back.

That's what this episode is all about— looking back. In fact, it actually kicks off a series of three episodes that take you step-by-step through some of the rituals that I follow at the end of every calendar year.

Now all of these rituals really could be used at any time of the year, I just happen to do them all at the end of the year.

This first ritual, The Top 25 in 2022, is an exercise I adapted from one of my coaching mentors, Michelle Woodward, paired with this definition of the word “HOPE” I heard years ago: 

“Hope is the belief that tomorrow will be better than today and that I will have a hand in making it so.”

So, it doesn’t only focus on being a practice in gratitude, it’s also an exercise in hope and empowerment. It’s about building hopefulness - soaking up what I'm grateful for, big or small, and reminding myself that it didn't happen by accident.

While focusing on the gratitude part alone is great, also focusing on the hope part reminds me that I'm capable of making things happen in my business.

So tell me…

What is ONE thing you are grateful for this year and what was your part in making it happen?

All you need is a pen and a piece of paper with “GRATITUDE” on one side, “HOPEFULNESS” on the other,  and you can jump right in. AND if you want a handy dandy worksheet to fill out, just ask and I'll send you one. Either DM me on Instagram or Facebook or send me an Email: [email protected].