050: Stop Being So Vague

Season #2

I know that I've always been able to get more clear about things when I am talking with or am guided to clarity by someone else.

If you are someone who needs help with this kind of thing, accept that and give that to yourself.

In fact, if you want to see if I can help you with this, just go to eliseenriquez.com/chat to book a complimentary chat.

If you’re listening to this episode when it first airs, then you know we are smack dab in the heart of fall. For some reason, this time of year is when I really start thinking about what I want at a bigger level.

Now, I am an Enneagram type nine, and that can mean that it can be very easy for me to defer getting what I want until everybody else around me has what they want or need. Or maybe I won't pursue something at all if I'm worried that pursuing it will disrupt things in my life and the lives of others. In fact, what I can do instead is just merge with other people's wants and visions and goals and help them achieve those, and then I can find myself feeling unsatisfied, frustrated, and resentful for not making my own thing a priority.

And for the longest time, there was something that I really wanted in my life. Come on over and hop in a time machine with me to go back to the fall of 2012, because, in this episode, I share about:

  • A vision I had,
  • How it took me so long to take the first step toward achieving it,
  • What I needed to let go of in order to do so, and…
  • Where I’m at today.

Here’s my invitation to you as the trees are letting go of their leaves and are going into a season of building up strength for what's going to happen next:

  • Think about what it is you really want next for yourself.
  • Create a clear vision that you could describe so clearly that somebody could see it in their own mind.
  • Visit that vision often and remember that there is no one way for this vision to come true.

And with that in mind, let me ask you this question of the week…What would it look like to live a life you love?

And I mean truly look; like, draw a picture. Write out a story of your future self. Get specific, and then watch for the paths that might lead you there.